French mature fuckmeat Fabienne

French submissive model Fabienne was well known in the 00th. She has huge piercings, daring tattoos, and even a brand on her skin. She performed in both holes fisting scenes before the time when fisting porn on the internet became mainstream.
I couldn’t find much personal info about her. She was born in August 1966, and her height is 155 cm (5’1″). She performed not in cool movies only, but also in scenic shows in clubs, such as “CLAIR OBSCUR”.
She (or her producers) also ran a website, but it’s closed now, and Twitter account, which still exists. That’s all I could find about her. Maybe French speakers will find more.
And now you can enjoy her branding session and pics gallery. Some of pics were enhanced with AI because they are quite old and of poor resolution.

  • VagabondTP says:

    I saw her branding video in my late teens and i was fascinated. She looked beautiful in her early days. Don’t know what happened to her teeth later.
    Thanks for the post.

  • F says:

    She’s one of my favorites. There are also some great videos of her floating around. I thought she was older — must’ve led a hard life.
    I too would like to know more about her.

  • VagabondTP says:

    Do you guys know any other woman branded like her?

    • MeatBarn says:

      Abigail Dupree was branded, for instance. Slave lassie was also branded. And Delia Day’s tits were burnt with a soldering iron.

      • VagabondTP says:

        Will check them tonight.
        Do you know any masochists on onlyfans or fansly?

      • VagabondTP says:

        I checked them. For some reason I think that a slave should be meaty. That’s when you get the desire to abuse them. Looks like most of the branded slaves are not that type.
        Do you know any masochists on onlyfans or fansly?

        Thanks for your response buddy

      • MeatBarn says:

        Honestly, I don’t use onlyfans and fansly. But Purple Vayda, Abigail Dupree, and Rachel Greyhound perform streams and webcam shows. Cupcake SinClair also performs different shows, so you may watch her announcements. Cupcake is very cool!
        Ebony submissive masochist Cupcake SinClair performs in torture show. Her cheeks are pierced with needle, a metal hook piercing her belly, and she has a branded scars on her hip.
        Ebony submissive masochist Cupcake SinClair performs in torture show. Her tits are tied and  pierced with long thick needles.

        PS. If you like meaty fat pigs, you may look for DartTech Studio. I will not give a link, because I hold small grudge on him. But you will find him very easy. He has a fat pigcow slave!

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