Nullified smooth clitless circumcised cunts. Updated!

Some pros and advantages of female circumcision.

  • It’s cool. It’s attractive because it’s odd. Inner labia or outer labia removal is very yummy!
  • It might be a part of the Power Exchange. Permanent Power Exchange. It’s very good for Lifestyle BDSM.
  • Clitoral hood removal or hood splitting increases sensitivity.
  • Total clit removal (clitoridectomy) is a higher level of the Power Exchange because the circed girl with cutting clit out not only sacrifices her body part but her orgasm. This procedure and the next one also called ‘nullification’, and a girl circed like that is ‘nullo’.
  • Infibulation (vulva entrance sewing) is the next higher level of the Power Exchange. Girl loses even the ability to be vaginally penetrated. So she becomes a permanent anal-only bitch. It’s true humiliation because she becomes just an object, a hole for her partner. But it’s also a kind of spiritual achievement. Infibulated slave gains moral pleasure from giving physical pleasure to the partner.
  • Those who love blood play will be happy.

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